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Book Testimonials


Jewel Tankard

Pastor, Business Mogul & Star of Bravo's Reality Show Thicker Than Water

"This book is


I see it active in your life"



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Erica Fears

Cincinnati, Ohio

Meichelle, your book is really blessing me. Here I am at the Mahogany Bay Beach in Roattan, Honduras reading Get Unstuck and Become Unstoppable. Relax. Renew. Rejuvenate. This book helped me get re-focused on the business at hand. Whether at home, work, play, church or by myself, I determined that the only thing stopping me was my attitude about something that occurred in the past. I AM a new creature. Old things are gone. Keep moving forward. If I find myself getting stuck or stopped, I say "not today".  Thanks, Meichelle for re-igniting the passion I have to serve. And, for helping me remember that I am worth it. I will live my best life. Ain't no stopping me now.

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You are beautiful inside and out.  God is blessing you in a big way.  Loving your book, it’s an unstoppable read.  Getting my head on straight, a day at a time.  Thank you for being so transparent and hitting Home with your readers.  I speak for myself. Sheeeeew

Goldeen Dixie

Houston, Texas

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 I finally finished the book. I am energized and ready to move forward. Today I realize that I was STUCK. I had been using the word paralyzed because I didn’t know how to get started. I am encouraged to seek additional resources and adding more knowledgeable people to my team. Thanks for the encouraging tips of how to get unstuck! I love you! 


Barbara Bannister (Cincinnati, Ohio)



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Whew! Yes Lord! You were there from the very beginning! You were there at the point of conception and sat right beside me on the cold floor of fear as we read the results of the EPT- Early Purpose Testing! You were there when I got stuck over and over again. You were there downloading the heart of God into my spiritual ears that was specific to and for me. Working with a purpose coach that can prophetically speak into your life and purpose is....I don't even have a word and refuse to try to find one, because it's an experience that is better felt than told. You were the most impacting part of my journey and into the birthing process. I am going to glorify God and make you proud! To the moon and back - on foot - for you!

Greta Bates

Owner of Greta Be Productions

Nashville, TN

Corporate Speaking Testimonials

Thank you so much for all of your time, effort, and most of all ENERGY that you gave to make the Monster DLP (Villanova) such a success!  Our team really enjoyed getting to know you and your enthusiasm.




(The PPl Corporation Team)

PPL Corporation

Electric Services Company






Thanks for impacting our world! I so appreciate the talent and passion you shared with our students and faculty. We are rising to the challenge.



Sally Ake

Prevention Coordinator

Flagstaff United School District





Your presentation was wonderful and the timing of you speaking on that content could not have been better! Our group definitely felt energized after you left.



Ashley Holloway

Junior League of Murfreesboro





I would like to personally congratulate you on receiving the Georgia Gem recognition bestowed by Women of Distinction, Inc. Your contributions to the growth of our city are invaluable. Thank you for displaying such selflessness and resolve.


Ceasar C. Mitchell


Atlanta City Council 

Unstoppable Mastermind Graduate Video Testimonial

Click To Play

Alyshia Baker

Coaching Client Video Testimonial

Shemecia Williams

Owner of Xtreme Bling &

More Apparel

 Highly recommend you to sign up with Curtis and Meichelle Gibson you will not be sorry. You will Thrive! They are the best business coaches. 

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